
Marriage Deal Breakers

Last May, Husband and I celebrated/mourned our 13th anniversary. 

Just kidding.
We 100% celebrated.

Our celebration consisted of Subway sandwiches and having midday sex in the laundry room hoping our kids wouldn't walk in on us.

Let's be honest here. Like, I hate my Husband sometimes. HATE.

And also, he hates me sometimes.

You wouldn't believe how pissed off he gets when I let the gas in my car get under 1/4 of a tank (which is 90% of the time) or when I let my cell phone battery run out (which happens all the time too.)

I know I'm awful.

I can self-assess. I can look inside myself.

I accept it.
But more importantly, my husband accepts it. 

Last week I was thinking, what would be some deal breakers for me in regards to my marriage.
I need to start setting rules so I can keep him on his toes. 

For instance, if he lost all his teeth or ever exhibited poor oral hygiene...


If he ever participated in musical theatre...


If he ever took longer than me to get ready...


Refused to have sex with me on my timeline...
Took up a side job in the porn business...
Sold one of our kids on the black market (unless its my 4 year old, then that's totally cool with me)…
Started crying during movies...
Bleached his butthole...


Luckily Husband has never committed any of the above atrocities. 
If he ever did though, things would be 100% over, no questions asked.

I totally married for looks and not money. Not sure how fiscally responsible that was on my part.

BUT... He builds stuff and is super sexy when he does, so I'll likely stay just for that.

 I'm a solid 92% sure I will be married to him forever.