The only problem is that I find my hair everywhere.
- in the dryer's lint catcher
- on my pillow
- stuck in my broom
- on Jared's shirt
- my bathroom floor and counters
- weaved in my toothbrush
- one time in the Chinese food I made
- in Jared's face when were making out
- hiding in the nooks in my car
and the worst is when I find it after it gathers into:
- my butt-crack in the shower
But even worser than the worst is after our someone stays at our house and I find their private hairs in the shower and/or the toilet seat.
The men is Jared's family are especially hairy, except for Jared because he is perfect (and shaves). So when Jared's bro, Baby Brian, stayed with us a few weeks ago I had to keep an eye out for runaway pubes.
Furry toilet after Baby Brian was done punishing it. :(

Thanks for spending time reading about such important issues. amen.