He was born 5 days early April 27, 2011 after I drank a generous amount of Castor oil.
(I would expand on the birth story but I like to keep things classy in this blog, so you'll just have to use your imagination.....it includes ample amounts of blood and pain, emergency surgery on my kooter, only one use of the "f" word, 1 1/2 week long recovery complete with pain pills that made me dumber than usual, and a stunned/angry baby.)
He had a really crooked nose when he was born. I assume my body squished him out of pure rage from being pregnant. It has straightened out now which is kind of a miracle because his face is squished up against my giant boobs every 3 hours.
I also callhim milk-face because after he eats, he looks like a crazed rabid squirrel with milk all over his little face. Funny or gross? I'm going to say it's a little of both.
Pee-baby got this moniker after my mom and I went to the movies with him. He peed all over himself after I forgot to tuck his baby-peen down in the diaper. I did'nt realize he peed until Thor was almost over. I went to change him and found newborn urine saturated through his clothes and 2 layers of blankets. The grossest part was that his umbilical stump thing was all soggy from the pee bath. bleh..... hence, pee-baby.
The best part about pee-baby/Ryan is that he smiles when I talk to him or kiss him. Either he is responding to my voice or has rather well timed gas.