
Christmas Present

I think we can all agree parents suck to shop for.

For this Christmas I had a great idea:
Draw mean pictures of everyone in my family and frame it.

I gave it to my parents in Utah at Thanksgiving.

(Dan, Matt, Aiden, Steph, Zac, Meg-zilla, Sara, PaPa, Mom, Angie, Brook, Shakey Jake, Rachel, Me holding Ryan, and a rather jolly Jared)

A few people did not appreciate my artistic interpretation.

Notice, if you will, that the "good"/butt-kisser kids are to the left of my mom and dad, while the awesome/trouble maker kids are to the right.

When we opened it up, both Dan and my Dad were wearing the exact same outfits that I drew them in.

Yes, that is a Quilt Cape my mom is wearing.
And yes, that is an AK-47 Shakey Jake is holding.
Also yes, Shakey Jake is wearing a Rambo headband.

I am pretty confident this will be hanging in the Getty Museum at some point.

Your welcome mom and dad!