
13 Weeks

Want to see something sad?

Check out my 11 week picture from my first full pregnancy in 2011:

I was so..... so........ so dressed. It looks like I even took a shower! My hair is done, my clothes are clean and I'm wearing a bra. Wait a minute...... am I smiling???

I had morning sickness with Ryan but it was manageable. It didn't last all day and I could keep enough food down so that I had some energy.

Here comes the sad part, check out this picture I took yesterday:

I'm 13 weeks along. I'm a mess.

I wore these pajamas for two days/nights. My dirty hair is in unintentional dreadlocks. At least I am wearing a bra.
I can't remember the last time I showered.

Technically, I should be getting over my morning sickness any day now. But since I threw up in the freezer section of my local grocery store 3 days ago, I'm guessing I won't be over it any time soon. Did I mention that pretty much everytime I throw up, I pee my pants a little?

Luckily I carry around a Ziploc bag to puke in, so it's not like I threw up all over the floor.
That would have been embarrassing.....