Here are some of the actual thoughts that have been going through my head the last 7 months.
- Why do my clothes keep shrinking?
- Didn't I just feed/bathe Pee-Toddler yesterday?
- My boobs are looking rather nice.
- If I have to get up in the middle of the night to pee one more time, I'm getting a few straws and a Ziplock bag and making my own catheter.
- When did I become so lazy that I have to give myself a pep talk every time I need to stand up?
- How come this mirror makes my butt look so big?
- Screw you Fit Mom:
- Is it really that wrong to feed your kid Cheetos for breakfast?
- Why does play dough smell sooooooo good?
- My belly button looks like a manatee's face.
- I am going to be super-nice to Jared as soon as I'm not pregnant anymore.
- I am a little bit happy that I've been sick for 2 weeks so I can be unbelievably lazy.
- Is it wrong to want to hit your fetus back every time it kicks you?
I'm messed up. Amen.