Cryin Ryan's hair grows disgustingly fast. I just gave him a haircut 5 weeks ago and now he looks like a white trash neglected child...... again
Kids with stick straight hair do not look good unless they have a clean cut.
Of course the back of Ryan's hair naturally grows into a manly rat-tail that melts into his healthy helping of blonde back hair.
The sides grow over his ears like a tree elf.
Ryan used to let me cut his hair. He would sit still and chomp on his lollipop.
Nowadays we have major problems. There is a lot of bribing, wrestling, screaming, and struggling involved. It's impossible to give him a good haircut with a fade up the sides.
I thought to myself:
I know! I'll give him a buzz!
While this haircut is super cute on other kids, it is questionable on Ry-Ry.
It accentuates his big head........ just what I was aiming for.
Why do I have ruin everything?